Presa Di Goa Managed by Smith and Appy
Stay information
About the property's amenities and servicesHost Information
Why Choose with Agoda:
- Curated Selection: Explore a handpicked selection of accommodations, from lavish resorts to intimate boutique stays, ensuring a perfect match for every traveler.
- Reliability at Your Fingertips: With Agoda as our host, you can book with confidence. Benefit from a reliable and secure platform that has earned a stellar reputation in the travel industry.
- Effortless Booking: Enjoy a seamless booking experience right here on Our integration with Agoda ensures a user-friendly process, allowing you to secure your dream stay effortlessly.
Our Partnership Story:
At, our commitment to providing exceptional travel experiences is strengthened by our partnership with Agoda. Together, we bring you a diverse array of accommodations, each chosen to elevate your journey.
How to Reserve with and Agoda:
- Browse our carefully curated selection of accommodations.
- Select the perfect stay that suits your preferences.
- Experience a smooth and secure booking process powered by Agoda.
- Embark on your travel adventure with confidence!
Things to know
Cancellation policy
Free Cancellation
Some rates on Agoda may include free cancellation up to a certain date or time before check-in. This means you can cancel your reservation without incurring any charges.
Non-Refundable Rates
On the other hand, some rates may be non-refundable, meaning that if you cancel or modify your booking, you may be charged the full amount of the reservation.
Flexible Booking Options
Agoda may also offer flexible booking options where you can cancel or modify your reservation with more lenient conditions.
How to Find the Cancellation Policy
- During the booking process, review the details and terms before confirming the reservation.
- Check your booking confirmation email for information on the cancellation policy.
- Log in to your Agoda account to view the details of your reservation, including the cancellation policy.
Check-in time
08:00 am - 12:00 am
02:00 pm - 04:00 pm
Special Note
- Ban and I will work together to keep the landscape and environment green and clean by not littering, not using stimulants and respecting people around.